Tuesday 25 February 2014

Radiance Exfoliating Facial Polish | Urban Veda Review

Woe is my skin!
This winter malarkey is not going in my favour this year. From painful chapped lips, an outbreak of stress spots & now my skin is dryer than Ghandi's flip flop..  I've been putting a wide range of products to the test during 2014, one of them being this cute little sample of Urban Veda, Radiance exfoliating facial polish. I received this I think last summer in my awesome Leeds meet up goodie bag - You can read about this here -  But I haven't until now had time to try it. Not through lack of trying new things but rather too many things to try!
So firstly, I've been road testing this little tube for about 3 weeks now so I can give you an accurate review. I tend to exfoliate twice a week or every 3-4 days & I got around 7 uses out of the bottle before it was literally squeezed dry - Which I think is relatively good, as the bottle was pretty tiny.
The texture of the cream, although it looks smooth in the above photo, is in fact very grainy, grainier than I expected actually. I found it a little harsh on my skin, it left me feeling pretty raw and red after use no matter how lightly I applied it up my skin. However after using some Lush skin drink or a good moisturiser to calm the stinging, my skin felt A-mazing!

So you're probably thinking, 'wait, if it didn't feel good, then why carry on?' - Because I'm a stubborn b*stard that's why, & I really did want to like this product. I can't deny that my skin felt unbelievably soft after use & it definitely did it's job but unfortunately now the bottle is finished, I'm not entirely sure I would go and buy a new bottle. There are plenty of products out there that work just as well without giving me a tomato red face..

But as I said, the product did do its job & it did leave me with skin as smooth as a babies bottom. I think this product would be much more suited to someone with less sensitive skin, & I have to be fair and say it's not very often that I don't have a reaction of some sort to a new beauty product. So I wouldn't want to set out to say Urban Veda were terrible, because they weren't. But for me on this occasion, I think I'll stick with something a little more soothing.

Have you ever tried Urban Veda?
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  1. Hahaha "because I'm a stubborn bastard!" Too funny! Great post!

    xo Brianna | Glazed Over

  2. This has been my fav sample ever, I loved the stuff, I was the same I was so disappoint when I used it all up. The day cream amazing and makes such a good primer. xx

  3. Very real a refreshing review! :)


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