Thursday 20 February 2014

The Midweek Treat | Lush Space Girl


Settling into a new flat has been an absolute nightmare, from changing over the bills, to just generally unpacking and attempting to make a space my own. So you won't believe how relieved I am to finally have a bath, and to have the chance to relax! My previous flats only had a shower, so as you can imagine, my first port of call after moving our life into our new home was Lush for some much needed TLC.

I actually haven't bought bath bombs in years, as none of my student flats ever had baths & the bath at my Mums leaked so we just avoided that all together. As always, the staff at Lush Leeds Spa were a great help, pointing out all the fruity toned bombs & ballistics. Without this help I probably would have bought something I was allergic to knowing me..
The first one I tried was the Space Girl bath bomb. Instantly as I lifted this bomb to my nose, it reminded me of old school sweet shops, although it is supposed to be predominately grapefruit scented, I thought it took on a more hard boiled sweet sort of scent.
What Lush say:
"Once you drop this into your bath, Space Girl crackles with space dust (popping candy) as it spins around your orbit, restoring your good cheer. Grapefruit oil is refreshing and uplifting for the mood, clarifying and toning the skin, while bergamot makes you feel relaxed and mildly euphoric."
I loved the popping candy, it definitely made me feel like a little kid again. I even ran out the bathroom like a 4 year old on a sugar rampage, shouting Creature to come see what was happening in the tub! The smell only got better too & it lingered, which was fantastic. My bathroom literally just smelt divine for the whole evening.
I also loved the colours, I know they're quite subtle compared to a few I've seen demos of, but the purple & orange mixed together just looked awesome and so inviting. As for benefits to the skin, I'm not entirely sure it did much, other than make me smell like parma violets. However since then I have had a few lovely bombs that have left my skin creamy & silky soft.
So If you're looking for a really great smelling bath product, Space girl in my opinion is heavenly, however if you're looking for something that nourishes the skin, I would suggest maybe the Tisty Tosty or Dragon Egg.
You can see my demo video here on Instagram
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  1. I'll be moving end of March to a different country and I'm already stressed about it :/ Lovely post! xo's

  2. OMG that looks mental!
    I love it



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