Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Midweek Treat | Lush Secret Garden

I love this time of the week! After a weekend of  dealing with crazy shoppers at work, & my hectic Monday of commuting to Uni, more commuting back to Leeds & a late shift at work. By the time Tuesday night comes, I'm literally singing as I skip merrily to my bath tub for my midweek treat.
This week I opted for the Secret Garden ballistic, a beautiful scented bouquet, with rose petals, marigold, blue mallow flowers and yellow rose buds. Firstly, I love the look of this one, the pink flower is adorable & I knew (with green being my favourite colour) that this bath was going to be amazing.
On this occasion, I also paired the ballistic with my Rose Jam bubbleroon. I do find sometimes that although I like my bath bombs, a girl just needs some bubbles too. But the rose jam married all too well with Secret Gardens heavy floral punch.
Unlike most of the fast and furious ballistics I've tried so far, Secret Garden fizzes fairly slowly, spreading its beautiful mossy green & pink foam across the whole bath. & as the bomb cracked revealing its centre, yellow and cream tones spilled out leaving me with a beautifully coloured and inviting bath tub.
It wasn't until I got in the bath and my rose jam bubbles disappeared that I found another little surprise. Secret Garden also has an array of wild dried flowers in its centre, so I was soon surrounded by lovey buds and leaves too. I almost felt like a woodland elf or witch as I sunk deeper into the water.
I think this bomb has been one of my favourites so far. I have a few more to try, the next being Rose Queen & Rose Jam paired together, I can only imagine they'd be a match made in heaven.
But the Secret Garden ballistic not only looked incredibly inviting but also left my skin soft to the touch & nourished from all the essentials oils. So I rate this one a perfect 5/5 Lush, this ones a keeper!
Have you tried Secret Garden?
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  1. I loved this one! I still have so many left I haven't tried yet though! :)

    1. It's definitely one of my favourites so far :) So fresh and fruity.


  2. What a perfect mid-week treat! I imagine it smells heavenly... Rose Jam is one of my all-time favorite scents!

    xo Brianna | Glazed Over

    1. I love my midweek treat, perfect way to unwind!
      Rose jam is unbelievable, the review of that and rose queen will be published next week :)


  3. Secret Garden sounds so nice! It looks really pretty too!


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