Monday 19 March 2012

Beauty Myth Busting


Pimples pop up overnight – False
You hit your pillow with skin clear as a baby and wake up with an angry face invader on your forehead -- but that pimple is no overnight menace; it was actually plotting its arrival days in advance.
Pimples can pop up whether you like it or not due to simple things such as wandering spritz of perfume meant for your neck or simply a cheap claggy moisturiser. However it is true that overnight pimples can emerge in women pre-period, but this is mainly due to a build-up of natural oils in the skin.

Popping spots gets rid of them faster – False
Most of us have seen that cringe worthy scene in Kevin and Perry go large where the girls squeeze some nasty looking zits in the mirror. But how ever gross yet satisfying it may feel, you shouldn’t be doing it. By squeezing that spot you are actually pushing the gunk inside further down into your pores. Essentially prolonging the zits life and increasing the risk of spreading it across your face - Yuk

Toners are a skin essential – False
A good toner can make your skin come away feeling radiant, but the fact is if you are using a good cleanser and moisturiser every day, no matter how much that women on commission in Debenhams tells you it’s an essential for skin care, she’s wrong.
Toners may feel nice, and if you are a toning addict, you’re not putting yourself in harm’s way, but make sure you use an alcohol free toner to avoid stripping away good natural oils in your skin.

If you lose weight, you lose cellulite – False
It’s a sad fact, but unfortunately losing weight is not a cure for cellulite. (All those laboured salads and gym sessions for nothing) Cellulite is not a fat problem, but a skin problem. Losing some fat can smooth dimples in the skin but it is not a solution for cellulite itself. But if it makes you feel any better, even the likes of supermodels can’t escape the dreaded cellulite.

Eating chocolate makes you break out – False
Finally, a myth bust I can be happy about. Fortunately for us girls, the only way you can grow zits from eating the likes of chocolate or chips is if you smeared them over your face.
There is no scientific evidence that proves eating oily foods can cause acne, to our relief.  You may get bloated and of course large amounts of any fatty foods can contribute to weight gain, but zits? No. Bacteria and a poor skin routine are the main contributors to zits and blemishes.
BRB, off to the chippy..
Cucumber reduces puffiness around eyes – True
Often a sign of an alcohol fuelled night or a little too much salt on your dinner, puffy eyes are an unwanted addition to your morning routine. But we’re in luck, the botanical ingredient in cucumber known as cucumis sativus can help.
In this case, it's really the coldness that acts as a vasoconstrictor, constricting the blood vessels and pulling excess fluid out of the tissues to reduce puffiness. Caffeine is also an alternative, so next time you wake up with your face feeling like a bad allergic reaction. Flop a cold used teabag on your eyes, relax and some trashy morning TV on. 

Mayonnaise makes your hair shiny – True
Now I must admit I was quite reluctant when the time came to test this theory. The thought of smearing smelly, gloopy mayonnaise across my locks wasn’t too appealing.
However, with the combination of 1 egg, some essential oils (ideally jojoba & almond) and organic milk, this concoction is absolutely fantastic for keeping a natural shine and softness to your hair. Also for any mums out there, mayo is also a great alternative to head lice serums.
And because this mayo is going on your hair and not your thighs, reach for full fat! For once this product is guilt free ladies.
I'll cover more beauty myths next month, but in the mean time maybe try my mayo remedy and let me know how it works for you? Or if you have any old wives tale you'd like to share, let me know and I'll add them to the list for the next few months!

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  1. I'm not too sure about putting mayo in my hair, but raw coconut oil is fab for dry hair and scalp conditions and excellent for your skin.


  2. Sliced potatoes or frzoen tea spoons both reduce the dark circles under your eyes.
    They work for me :)


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